Atlanta's 1st Annual Sustainable Lifestyle Event

Archive for August 18, 2011

Ethanol Gas a Renewable Fuel

cellulose ethanol production

cellulose ethanol production

Ethanol or ethyl alcohol, already found in gas sold in the US,  is a distill product not considered a biofuel.  This fuel is produced from plants such as corn, grains (wheat and barley), which are abundant in this country.   The non-toxic, water-soluble and biodegradable renewable fuel reduces the amount of harmful carbon dioxide (C02) emissions, a greenhouse gas, by 29% when mixed with petroleum based fuels.   Ethanol is one sustainable solution to make sure our earth is here for generations to come and reduce the dependency on foreign oil.

LHHG suggested Article (Open Letter):

Renewable Fuels Association wrote a open letter to express its willingness to work toward bettering our environment by partnering with other entities.  Thanks Renewable Fuels Association for stepping up to the plate!   An excerpt of the article, “We agree with President Obama that we need to make room for new ethanol and renewable fuel technologies by walking away from our addiction and continued subsidizing of oil.  We look forward to continuing the very constructive relationship this industry has had with the Obama Administration to grow this industry and foster the kind of innovation needed to meet our country’s energy needs.”  Read more of this article “RFA Responds to President Obama on Ethanol” by Renewable Fuels Association, on the website